Our Social Media Pillars | SOCIAL 365

Our Social Media Pillars

Learn Social 365 creates content based on 5 main content pillars. Combined, these pillars help establish credibility, value, attraction and expertise on socials. Using the 5 content pillars, your socials will attract potential new patients leading to growth and will continue to validate your expertise as a provider to current patients. And if you’re already thinking, I have no idea what this means or how to do this, we know! That’s why we’re here. To help you.

We do the thinking for you! Every post is based on one of the content pillars below and includes ready to go captions. What could be easier?

5 Content Pillars:

EDUCATIONAL: As a provider it’s important to educate your audience. Educational content also lends its hand in validating your expertise but is informative and stimulates intellectual thought. Providing knowledge to your social audience through educational content gives your socials worth and value.

EXPERTISE: In order to attract new patients, providers must be seen as the expert in their field. Essentially the audience demands providers earn their trust before choosing to make an appointment and for current patients to maintain their loyalty. Intentionality is required to establish expertise through social content. This is done through patient reviews, lives, scripted video content and curated posts.

ENTERTAINMENT: It’s no secret social audiences want to be entertained. Give the people what they want! A mix of entertaining content keeps socials fresh while allowing practices to showcase personality. Social audiences love creative and entertaining content.

ENGAGEMENT: The goal is to engage with your social audience. This not only encourages patient loyalty but allows for greater exposure through shared posts and more. Engaging content is done through polls, lives and more. It also can be entertaining.

CASUAL/ SEASONAL: Casual posts have their place on your socials and are a great way to share a little bit of real life outside of the practice. Typically designed for weekends, casual posts make way for your audience to gain personal insight into you or members of your team. The social audience craves an authentic, personal connection. Casual and seasonal content is also a great way to bring in additional exposure by tagging businesses and local community events, that are then shared.  

Seasonal posts are also a must and are updated every quarter in our vault to help celebrate special days of the year with your social audience, with carefully crafted content that utilizes your content pillars.

The content found on Learn Social 365 is created using the above content pillars. All that’s left is for you or a member of your team to log in, customize with your colors and brand and post! We’ve done the thinking for you, including a suggested calendar to guide you on which content pillar to choose for the day.