Dear Dental & Orthodontic Provider, Your Presence on Social Matters. Here’s Why. | SOCIAL 365

Dear Dental & Orthodontic Provider, Your Presence on Social Matters. Here’s Why.

 I love podcasts. LOVE THEM. Hopefully you have a few go-to fav’s you listen to while at the gym or on your commute to work. Today’s blog comes from a post-podcast moment from the latest episode of Ed Mylett’s podcast featuring Rory Vaden from Brand Builders Group. The podcast was about building a personal brand. 

What do your personal brand as a provider and social and online content have in common? EVERYTHING. You see, brands are fleeting. As is success. On our socials I shared this quote from Rory Vaden’s book, Take the Stairs“Success is never owned, success is only rented, and the rent is due every day.” If you aren’t building and maintaining a personal / practice brandonline, the likelihood of continued success is diminished. 

What does that mean? Some of you have thriving dental and orthodontic practices. You’re at capacity, seeing the number of patients desired, all is good. This success is coupled with little to no success on social media. Maybe you have 50 to 200 followers. I meet with practices like yours every day. 

And maybe you’re all good and socials won’t impact your growth and success. But what if you aren’t? What happens when potential patients demand more? What happens when the number of new patients begins to slowly decrease? Where are those new patients going? My guess, to the practice around the corner, down the street or maybe even in the same building. The practice actively branding and messaging to potential new patients. The practice sharing their value and expertise.

In another blog we’ll discuss what patients are seeking in a provider in greater depth. The short version is validation and expertise. You can establish both through online content and social media. 

So why do so few providers see the importance of social media and online content? Because it’s easier to not. We default to easy. All of us. We skip over the very thing we should be doing each day. I get it. I 100% get it. 

You’re a dentist. You’re an orthodontist. That’s your job. Your team members have various roles and social media marketing, and content isn’t one of them. But it is ours. It’s mine. It’s what I do and what my team does. Every day. Every. Single. Day. 

When we built Learn Social 365 it was to solve the problem most dental and orthodontic providers have. The inability to market due to a lack of content and/or ideas. A turnkey solutionwas needed to resolve this issue. Somewhere in the back of your mind you know social media is important. But you continue to default to easy. Easy right now is to figure it out later. Maybe later is when growth has slowed, or the right person comes along. Only you know what later looks like, but why wait till later?

I know with absolute certainty your social presence is important NOW. Which is why we created Learn Social 365, so you can get started right NOW. We provide dental and orthodontic providers like you, stellar content to help build your brand and increase overall practice success online. No cheesy generic content. We create fresh, engaging content every single month built on4 content principals: Validation, Education, Information and Entertainment.

Keeping in mind success is only rented, how are you paying the rent? Your practice should be present on social every single day. Your challenge today, MAKE IT HAPPEN.